TriggerMesh For the Win !
As I am writing this, the PR machine should start to kick in. Mark Hinkle (Mark Hinkle) and I just raised $3M to bring TriggerMesh to the next level. We are stoked. Stoked to have reached this milestone and stoked for the future, the team we are going to build and the company that will take shape.
It has been a long road since I left academia 7 years ago to see if I could cut it in the corporate/startups/business world. Luckily I caught the container wave early and fell in love with Kubernetes and its potential as a platform to build systems. My intrinsic motivation to help build and deploy applications with as little infrastructure management is finally taking shape.
The true vision of the Cloud as an elastic compute resource with pay as you go pricing model is finally here. Serverless offerings are seeing the light of day with auto-scaling/provisioning/healing features and folks are back focusing on applications.
We are going to build the first cloud-native integration platform for the kubernetes world. I should have added serverless in there to hit buzz words bingo !!! But that’s really what we are after, making it as easy as possible to integrate Cloud services, where ever they are into a coherent app. We believe that Cloud events and functions will help glue those services together. We already have bits and pieces out there and you will see more in the coming months and year(s).
For the last 7 years I have been working remotely. From my basement, I don’t have a garage…That’s where Tuna and I prototyped Kubeless almost 3 years ago. This afternoon I am in a co-working space, no-one around has a clue of what I do. The sun is shining, my slack is humming, twitter is buzzing, I will take the train in a bit and head for a run. Time will keep on going and we will keep pushing, keep on innovating, keep on failing and trying again, keep on having fun, making new friends and cherishing the old ones.
For now, thanks to Index Ventures and Ari, Erin, Erik and Scott who saw two folks with some ideas, some common sense (maybe too much), some prototypes, a clear vision and decided to take a chance and invest in the team, the values and the products that we were building.
Thanks also to GitLab who also believed in our serverless vision early and helped us get off the ground.
Thanks to Chris, Timur, Alex, Emir, Heather, Tim, Greg, Ray, Woodford, Murali who jumped in and helped us along the way.
Thanks of course to my family who knows how much a pain I have been, may they forgive me one day.
And finally thanks to you Mark. We cannot do it alone, you are my Sergei and I am your Larry :) I am glad I am with you on this, the next years are going to fun. Pain heals, …, Glory lasts forever :)